3 Bears are cool

Lovely mama, big brave daddy bear and teeny tiny baby bear. Lived in a cosy cosy cottage in shiny lake forest. Beside their cosy home there is a shiny lake.full of shiny fish that big daddy bear and teeny tiny baby bear enjoy looking at. The peaceful sound of the lake helps the baby bear sleep at night. 


Leading up to the house is a shiny field of grass with a lot of flowers. All around you can hear birds and the water from the lake.

Super similes

This week we have bwen learning about similes and metaphors.  similes compare two things using like or as.  Metaphors describe one thing as being something else.  which simile or metaphor is your favourite?


In addition to his official and ceremonial duties in the United Kingdom and overseas as The Prince of Wales, His Majesty has taken a keen and active interest in all areas of public life for decades. The King has been instrumental in establishing more than 20 charities over 40 years,

St John

On Monday we had a lady from St John’s in at school teaching us about if someone gets hurt what we can do.  My favourite part was Bob, which is used to practise CPR.